Daily Victory

Winners Act Like Winners

To unleash your true potential, you must unlock the cap on your self-image. The mental pictures you have of yourself make up your self-image. This is why nicknames are so powerful. They can set the bar higher for who you are and how far you want to go. Did you know that the iconic film character Rocky Balboa had nine nicknames? A few of which include: With monikers like these, of course Rocky fought on to become Heavyweight Champion of the World and inspire millions of people. Our behavior and performance is usually consistent with our self-image. Maybe it’s time to see yourself a little differently, to play a new role, because… Winners act like winners. — René Vidal, 7x NCAA Championship Coach

Consistency Wins Matches

Consistency is more than keeping the ball in play on a tennis court or nailing your morning routine. It’s about creating harmony across three arenas: Mindset – what you think Emotions – how you feel Actions – what you do Miss one and your performance pays the price. Strive for congruency mentally, emotionally, and physically to make your game soar. — René Vidal, 7x NCAA Championship Coach

Go Against the Grain

“Follow your own path and be curious. It’s important for us to walk our talk.”–Dr. Jim Loehr on René Vidal’s Down 40 Love Podcast — René Vidal

The Bigger the Why

The bigger the why, the easier the how. This means that your growth is more important than the goal. What it doesn’t mean is that the path to success will be paved with gold. Easier doesn’t equal easy. The promise is that when you set a meaningful goal and you are connected in a visceral way to why you want to achieve it, the unnecessary obstacles will melt away. What do you want? Why do you want it? Clarity of purpose of drives success. — René Vidal, 7x NCAA Championship Coach

Get Sticky

Most people set goals, but few stay attached to the end. It’s like the follow-through in tennis. When you follow-through, the ball goes where you want it to go. Fail to follow-through, and the ball goes over the fence (I’ve seen this, it’s not pretty). The process for achieving your goals is the same. Some of you need to be more sticky, developing the kind of physical attachment to your mission that is so real that even the best surgeon in the world could not remove it. In your quest to get a little more sticky, here are three key action steps: 1: Surround yourself with the right people. This drives optimism and accountability. 2: Build a great team. This enhances speed and execution. 3: Don’t take no for an answer. This ensures your outcome or something better. The way of the crowd is to give up. The way of the leader is to lean in. It’s time to stick like glue to make your dreams come true. — René Vidal, 7x NCAA Championship Coach

Be a Go-Getter

Go-getters are people who think for themselves and get things done. It’s the difference between leaders who make things happen and followers who just watch what happens. Traits of the Go-Getter: — René Vidal, 7x NCAA Championship Coach

Are You Adaptable?

When it comes to your personal growth and leadership development, the status quo does not suffice. Status quo sucks because anything average sucks. There’s a word for people who do the same thing over and over again without improving: insanity. Adaptability is your ticket out of the mass of average because it acknowledges your power to evolve. The goal is not only to be open to relevant data, but to seek it out relentlessly. These are the questions of the leader. They belong to you. — René Vidal, 7x NCAA Championship Coach

Eliminate the Clutter

This is one of my favorite mantras. Eliminating the clutter calls for the need to stay focused in a highly distracted world. We have a lot of stuff going on, both internally and externally. Our ability to give all that we have to the people and projects that matter most will determine our level of success. Here’s a short-list of negative emotions or bad habits to remove ASAP: Whether the enemy is inside or outside is irrelevant. What matters is protecting your focus. — René Vidal, 7x NCAA Championship Coach

Unleash Your Potential

You don’t get paid for the talent you have. You get paid for the talent you deliver. Taking what you have on the inside and giving it all to the outside, in a way where others benefit from your talent is what we call unleashing your true potential. — René Vidal, 7x NCAA Championship Coach

Optimize Your Life

“Negativity is the enemy of creativity.”–David Lynch The definition of Optimize is to find the best possible solution to a problem. To be optimistic is a meaningful goal because we are surrounded by problems every day. Einstein said, “We cannot solve our problems with same thinking we used when we created them.” Thus, our goal is to LEVEL UP our mental game. Bring the best possible attitude to the daily grind. This is how we optimize our lives. — René Vidal, 7x NCAA Championship Coach

10 Ways to Be Consistent

In tennis, consistency means keeping the ball in the play. If you can do that one more time than your opponent, you win. In life, consistency is about bringing your best every day. Master that skill and you create undeniable competitive edge in any arena. Many folks struggle with consistency because it demands discipline: the willingness to do things that other people don’t like to do. Here are 10 quick tips for bringing your best, most consistent self to the table every day: To be consistent requires more than mindset. You can have a great attitude, but if you don’t know where you are, then you’re positively lost. Embrace your location and create a simple strategy that you can execute daily. Consistency for the win. — René Vidal, 7x NCAA Championship Coach