Eliminate the Clutter

This is one of my favorite mantras.

Eliminating the clutter calls for the need to stay focused in a highly distracted world.

We have a lot of stuff going on, both internally and externally. Our ability to give all that we have to the people and projects that matter most will determine our level of success.

Here’s a short-list of negative emotions or bad habits to remove ASAP:

  • the emotional junk and baggage you may be carrying
  • other people’s opinions
  • a follower’s mindset
  • high aggravation, low reward activities
  • fear of being judged or criticized
  • fear of embarrassment
  • fear of success or failure
  • being too rigid in your approach

Whether the enemy is inside or outside is irrelevant.

What matters is protecting your focus.

René Vidal, 7x NCAA Championship Coach

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7-time NCAA championship coach and entrepreneur René Vidal helps leaders and organizations turn adversity into competitive advantage.