Most people set goals, but few stay attached to the end.
It’s like the follow-through in tennis. When you follow-through, the ball goes where you want it to go. Fail to follow-through, and the ball goes over the fence (I’ve seen this, it’s not pretty).
The process for achieving your goals is the same. Some of you need to be more sticky, developing the kind of physical attachment to your mission that is so real that even the best surgeon in the world could not remove it.
In your quest to get a little more sticky, here are three key action steps:
1: Surround yourself with the right people.
This drives optimism and accountability.
2: Build a great team.
This enhances speed and execution.
3: Don’t take no for an answer.
This ensures your outcome or something better.
The way of the crowd is to give up.
The way of the leader is to lean in.
It’s time to stick like glue to make your dreams come true.
René Vidal, 7x NCAA Championship Coach