Winners Act Like Winners

To unleash your true potential, you must unlock the cap on your self-image.

The mental pictures you have of yourself make up your self-image.

  • How do you see yourself as an athlete?
  • What kind of leader are you?
  • How would you define yourself as a friend?

This is why nicknames are so powerful. They can set the bar higher for who you are and how far you want to go.

Did you know that the iconic film character Rocky Balboa had nine nicknames? A few of which include:

  • The Italian Stallion
  • The Pride of Philadelphia
  • Philadelphia’s Favorite Son
  • The Iron Horse…

With monikers like these, of course Rocky fought on to become Heavyweight Champion of the World and inspire millions of people.

Our behavior and performance is usually consistent with our self-image.

Maybe it’s time to see yourself a little differently, to play a new role, because…

Winners act like winners.

René Vidal, 7x NCAA Championship Coach

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7-time NCAA championship coach and entrepreneur René Vidal helps leaders and organizations turn adversity into competitive advantage.