Know Your Priorities

A priority is something that beckons your special attention. It requires planning, focus, and relentless execution.

The biggest cause for failure in today’s world is lack of focus, a result of not knowing what matters most to you.

Knowing your MAIN THINGS is like having a compass for your life. Whether you are winning or simply learning, you are always pointed in the right direction. Additional core benefits include:

  • You get important things done.
  • You make better decisions.
  • You say no to distractions.
  • You focus on what moves the needle.
  • You multiply your opportunities.
  • You stay in your lane.
  • You keep the big-picture in mind.

Life is best played on offense, not defense.

Control your own destiny or someone else will.

René Vidal, 7x NCAA Championship Coach

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7-time NCAA championship coach and entrepreneur René Vidal helps leaders and organizations turn adversity into competitive advantage.