Unleash Your Purpose (Part 2, 8/5/24)

“Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.” Malcolm Forbes

When you say yes to your purpose, it is easy to say no to everything else.

But how do you get there?

If you are struggling in your career and feel disconnected from what you are doing, the following three principles may help you break out of your slump.

#1: Purpose means you are doing what you love to do.

The flip side is feeling trapped in work you hate. If you are low on energy and consistently apathetic, you’re simply not playing from your sweet spot.

What do you enjoy doing?

#2: Purpose means you’re doing what you’re great at.

The flip side is feeling like a beginner every single day. It’s impossible to maximize your potential when you are not utilizing your greatest strengths.

What are your unique talents?

#3: Purpose means accomplishing what’s meaningful to you.

The flip side is feeling like you are not making a difference. If the purpose of life is to live a life of purpose, then it’s time to re-connect to what really drives you.

What gets your engine going?

Your plan for purpose.
  • Do what you love to do.
  • Do what you’re great at.
  • Do what’s important to you.

No more flipping around.

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7-time NCAA championship coach and entrepreneur René Vidal helps leaders and organizations turn adversity into competitive advantage.