Leadership Philosophy

Philosophy: a system of principles for guidance in practical affairs.

My former assistant tennis coach Manuela Barriga, a total rock star, has a keen sense of talent.

Coach Barriga describes an athlete who displays excellence in execution as “organized.”

It’s an apt description: a player who is “organized”:

  • Understands his or her own game style
  • Maximizes strengths while off-setting weaknesses
  • Knows what it takes to win

Being a successful leader is no different.

You must be “organized” in your philosophy and core values.

This does not imply rigidity.

In actuality, the more “organized” you are in your leadership approach, the more “adaptive” you will be on the road to victory.

One moment your game style is aggressive and straight-forward–think “serve and volley.”

Another situation calls for a plan that is calm and strategic–think “counterpuncher.”

Flexibility is power.

There are many benefits to developing your own philosophy, the most important being the courage of your convictions.

When you know who you are, what you stand for, and “how you play the game,” it increases the effectiveness and speed of your decision-making.

You compete in the majors, not the minors.

You can find my simple 5-point coaching philosophy here.

What is your philosophy?

How do you maximize your potential?

Let me know…


One’s philosophy is not best expressed in words; it is expressed in the choices one makes.—Eleanor Roosevelt

Philosophy is common sense with big words.—James Madison

I have a new philosophy. I’m only going to dread one day at a time.—Charles M. Schulz

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7-time NCAA championship coach and entrepreneur René Vidal helps leaders and organizations turn adversity into competitive advantage.