July 31, 2024
Here’s a quick thing about confidence…or rather the people that think they know a thing or two about it.
When most people speak about confidence, what they are referring to is self-confidence:
I believe I can do it.
I don’t have any confidence.
I lost my mojo.
Do you notice the singular commonality?
It’s “I, I, I,” and “Me, Me, Me.”
Listen, you need to have self-confidence and (believe me), I’ve been accused of having too much of it by those who lack confidence and others who don’t understand it.
Self-confidence is the foundation for EVERYTHING that is healthy: your self-esteem, your personal power, your peace of mind, and your ability to be of service to others.
But what if you started thinking about confidence as a team game?
Better yet, consider your ability to convey extraordinary belief and confidence in others.
Would the ability to consistently empower greatness in others raise your leadership bar?
Of course it would.
The difference between self-confidence and next-level confidence is everything. Self-confidence may help you achieve high performance, but it doesn’t make you a leader. Real leadership requires the ability to inspire others, speak into people’s lives, and spark transformation.
At the 2024 Olympics, NBA star Lebron James was asked what sport he would love to compete in if not basketball. Lebron said, “Track and field…because I’m a team guy.”
To create amazing feats together is what confidence is all about. It’s never just about you.
In a relay race, the last runner is called an Anchor. The anchor is often the fastest or most experienced runner on the team. It’s the position Lebron would choose if given the opportunity.
Are you surprised?…after all…
The goal is to win…personally and as a team.