Zero Visibility

“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”

Martin Luther King, Jr.

No serious tennis player enters a match with an intention to lose.

The vision is success.

In reality however, the grind it takes to win something worthwhile is filled with twists and turns, momentum shifts, and everything in-between.

As a leader, you don’t always have the luxury of seeing the next step.

There are times when you have zero visibility.

On my Down 40 Love Podcast, guest and real estate tycoon Michael Staenberg said, “Even the best athletes don’t win every time. When Tom Brady won, you didn’t see him over the top. When Brady lost, you didn’t see him down below. The best leaders are even keel.”

The quality of maintaining equilibrium through all circumstances is the mark of a winning leader.

Never underestimate the value of poise under pressure.

Perspective is your lighthouse in the midst of the storm.

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7-time NCAA championship coach and entrepreneur René Vidal helps leaders and organizations turn adversity into competitive advantage.