Winners Act Like Winners

To unleash your true potential, you must unlock the cap on your self-image. The mental pictures you have of yourself make up your self-image. This is why nicknames are so powerful. They can set the bar higher for who you are and how far you want to go. Did you know that the iconic film character Rocky Balboa had nine nicknames? A few of which include: With monikers like these,...

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Consistency Wins Matches

Consistency is more than keeping the ball in play on a tennis court or nailing your morning routine. It’s about creating harmony across three arenas: Mindset – what you think Emotions – how you feel Actions – what you do Miss one and your performance pays the price. Strive for congruency mentally, emotionally, and physically to make your game soar. — René Vidal, 7x NCAA Championship Coach

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Go Against the Grain

“Follow your own path and be curious. It’s important for us to walk our talk.”–Dr. Jim Loehr on René Vidal’s Down 40 Love Podcast — René Vidal

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7-time NCAA championship coach and entrepreneur René Vidal helps leaders and organizations turn adversity into competitive advantage.

RENÉ VIDAL is a 7-time NCAA championship coach and nationally recognized leadership speaker with an extensive track record of empowering greatness in teams, companies, and organizations worldwide.

Known for his dynamic and enthusiastic presentation style, Coach Vidal has delivered speeches at numerous conferences, association events, and corporations such as State Farm, World Financial Group, and the Boy Scouts of America.

Coach Vidal is the author of 5 top-selling books, including “Execute to Win: How Leaders Get Results,” and “Down 40 Love: Private Lessons on Turning Adversity into Competitive Advantage.”

As host of the Down 40 Love Podcast, Coach Vidal speaks with bold leaders across industries as they share strategies for turning adversity into competitive advantage.